What’s the Big Deal about Biblical Integration?
We strive to include biblical integration in everything we do. But what does that look like? Is it as simple as the teacher praying to start class or having a Bible memory verse? Praying and memorizing God’s Word are wonderful, but biblical integration is so much more than just this. It even goes beyond weekly chapels or caring faculty members.
The crux of Christian education is that everything being taught is filtered through the lens of God’s Word. Biblical integration is teaching and training students to discover and see who God is in each subject area. It’s not just adding a bible verse to an academic lesson, but it’s using that lesson to know, glorify, and serve God.
We believe that this foundation of biblical integration will impact our students even more than just purely academic knowledge separated from its ultimate meaning in the nature of God. However, this kind of meaningful biblical integration is not easy, and it takes much thought and intention on the part of our teachers. This year our staff is investing more time into this challenge as we seek to continue to improve in this area.