Academic Coach Training Program

GCEA places a high value on individualization in education. A philosophy of individualization recognizes that Christian educators must be equipped and empowered to minister to the needs of each individual student. GCEA desires to train Christian educators that are ready to guide students through their academic requirements and give them the training that they need to be learners in the 21st century where each student IS their own classroom and progressing at their own rate. 

GCEA highly recommends curricula that are self-instructional and that follow an individualized/personalized and mastery or competency-based approach. Listen as some of our directors discuss the advantages of such a method of education.

Because Global Christian Educators Association highly esteems the individualized approach to education they have developed a Christian Academic Coaches training program. This certification program will equip and empower leaders in the methodology of individualized learning and principles that will help any student in any curriculum succeed in their academics.

What is the function of a Christian academic coach? To assist children in their Christian education through one-on-one discipleship and provide oversight and motivation for academic progress throughout the daily routine.

This training program is designed for all Christian educators, including pastors, teachers, and parents.

Cost: $50.00 (spouses received 50% discount).

Dr. Adam Rondeau
Dr. Adam Rondeau
  • Assistant Administrative Director of GCEA
  • Director of ViewPoint Christian Academy

2022 Dates & Locations

  • July 28, 2022 at ViewPoint Chrisitan Church, 26 Ellis Road, Southbride, MA. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Keynote presenter: Dr. Adam Rondeau with special guests from around the country joining via video.

Topics covered in this certification course include:
  • The Philosophy of Individualization in Learning
  • Accountability & Motivation: Two Keys for Coaching
  • Benchmarks & Assessments – Moving Students in the Right Direction
  • Success with Special Needs
  • Discipleship through Discipline & Structure
  • Managing Multi-grade Groups in the Same Room
  • Record-Keeping Essentials for Yourself and Your Students
  • And much more….
Disclaimer: Academic coach training and certification provided by Global 
Christian Educators Association is not associated with any specific curriculum.

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