Global Youth Conference – Regional Events! 

Global Youth ConferenceThe mission of Global Youth Conference is to develop the next generation of Christian leadership through interactions that involve competitions, socialization, and spiritual encouragement.

The Global Youth Conference is a student conference designed to enhance the Christian education experience of your homeschool or Christian school. Some features include:

  • Over 120 competition events in Athletics, Academics, Art, Technology, Drama and Music.
  • Christian fellowship and socializing.
  • Dynamic sessions designed to inspire and activate students to a deeper commitment to Christ.

GCEA seeks to promote these conferences on a global and a local level. GCEA is prepared to come alongside and equip regional groups to make these events a reality. 

GCEA has prepared guidelines for over 120 competition events to aid in the development of Christian leaders. This is all available at not cost on our website.

Our conference software has been successfully utilized internationally for over a decade and makes this a possibility. GCEA is pleased to offer this software at a very reasonable and affordable rate.

Click here for GYC Events List

Click here for GYC Guidelines

Begin exploring our site now for details about the conference.  If you have questions or would like to speak with someone on our leadership team feel free to reach out to us


GCEA has provided a template with the GYC. Our general events list and complete guidelines are a great start. This template is customizable for your region’s unique needs and desires. For instance, if there is a particular event category that you would like to add for your region, you are free to do so. If can’t accommodate or facilitate some of the competition categories won’t work then you don’t’ have to use them and can choose something else that will work.  We desire to empower creative leadership where you live. Let us know how we can help you be successful.

Junior Conferences

Junior conferences are uniquely designed for students ages 8-12 and gives even those young students the opportunity to develop and display their talents.

Click here for a list of available Junior Conferences.

Senior Conferences

As students grow the Senior Conferences give them the opportunity to continue to master their talents. Students ages 13+ can continue to develop and display their talents for the glory of God.

What are the costs to run a regional conference?

Regional conferences are usually very economical. The local network is often able to pool its resources together and bring expenses down.

Expenses to consider include:

  • Facility usage
  • Lodging & Meals
  • Rally speaker honorariums
  • Necessary supplies (office & events)

Registration/Student Costs

There are many factors that can affect costs for individuals attending the conference. Experience has shown that can vary anywhere from $50 – $200 and this depends largely upon the length of the conference and what accommodations are offered.